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Abarth Karl (named Carlo) bibliography

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Author Cigola, Michela
Published  Cassino, 2013
Extend  List of works on Carlo Abarth. Carlo Abarth was an automobile designer. Abarth was born in Austria, but later was naturalized as an Italian citizen; and at this time his first name Karl was changed to its Italian equivalent of Carlo. His company “Abarth & C,” made racing cars, and became a major supplier of high-performance exhaust pipes, that still are in production as Abarth. Who-is-Who in MMS, History of machines, history of mechanical engineering, machine design, designer, automobile
Abstract Lista delle opere su Carlo Abarth
lista delle opere su Carlo Abarth.
Carlo (nato con il nome di Karl) Abarth è stato un imprenditore austriaco naturalizzato italiano. La sua compagnia “Abarth & C,” iniziò costruendo macchine da corsa e poi divenne leader nella costruzione degli scappamenti, che ancora vengono costruiti sotto la dicitura Abarth.
Who-is-Who in MMS, storia delle macchine, storia dell’ingegneria meccanica, progettazione delle macchine, progettista, automobile
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2000 and later
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Time of publication 2013

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