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Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Vibration: A Prediction Model for Estimating the Resonance Frequencies and Displacements of Unimorph Cantilever Piezoelectric Plates

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Author Chao, Chang-Kai; Lin, Yu-Jui; Yang, Zi-Quan; Wu, Chien-Min; Smith, Shana
Published  Taipei, Taiwan, 2015
2000 and later
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Vibration, in: Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress
Author: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Ren, Jianying; Li, Shaohua; Guo, Jingbo; Cho, T. W.; Lin, C. W.; Gong, R. C.; Li, Kang; Yin, Jun; Chen, Xinbo; Li, Jianqin; Horacek, J.; Svacek, Petr; Feistauer, Miloslav; Chang, Chia-Ying; Chen, L. C.; Lee, Wei-chen; Ma, C. C.; Li, Jia-Xing; Chen, Zhaobo; Jiao, Yinghou; Luo, Chuan; Staley, McKenzie; Cao, G. Z.; [...]
Published: 2015
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Time of publication 2015
