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Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Linkage and Mechanical Controls: A Compliant Two-Port Bistable Mechanism with Application to Easy-Chair Design

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General information

Author Darshan, Sheshgiri; Lassche, T. J.; Herder, Just L.; Ananthasuresh, G. K.
Published  Taipei, Taiwan, 2015
2000 and later
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Linkage and Mechanical Controls, in: Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress
Author: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Liang, Francois; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Shyu, Jenq-Huey; Yang, Hsi-Min; Yeh, Yao-Jen; Bai, Long; Dong, Zhifeng; Ge, Xinsheng; Guo, Ruiqin; Gu, Haiyan; Hu, Wei; Bautista-Quintero, Ricardo; Dubay, Rickey; Carretero, Juan Antonio; Díaz Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Ikeda, T.; Makino, Koji; Hashimoto, Y.; Terada, Hidetsugu; [...]
Published: 2015
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Documents: Linkage and Mechanical Controls
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Time of publication 2015
