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Rukuiža, Egidijus

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Rukuiža, Egidijus
Automatisierung ab 1950
thumbnail of30234009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2008: The influence of seat pad stiffness and damping on the intervertebral forces in the junction of thoracic and lumbar spinal curves
Autor: Rukuiža, Egidijus; Eidukynas, Valdas; Dulevičius, Jonas
Erschienen: 2008
thumbnail of30259009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2009: Investigation of drivers poses influence to the intervertebral forces in the junction of thoracic and lumbar spinal curves  
Autor: Rukuiža, Egidijus; Eidukynas, Valdas
Erschienen: 2009
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