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Autor |
Monge, Gaspard |
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imprimerie du Comité de salut public, Paris, 1793
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The book deals with problems and solutions that concerns with cannon and machines for a cannon factory design with teaching purposes but design aims. The book was conceived as directed mainly to courses of engineering at university of Paris. The book of MONGE Gaspar on «Description de l'art de fabriquer les canons, faites en execution de l'arrete du Comite de Salut Public, du 18 Pluviose de l'an 2 de la Republique Française, une et indivisible; par Gaspard Monge» published in Paris by L'imprimerie du Comité de salut public in 1793-94. The book deals with problems and solutions that concerns with cannon and machines for a cannon factory design with teaching purposes but design aims. The book was conceived as directed mainly to courses of engineering at university of Paris. The book is composed of 5 chapters in 231 pages with 60 tables at the end of text with figures including schemes and explicative details.
The book is available at the library of Department of History, Drawing, Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Collocazione (RARI 74)