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Ragulskis, Minvydas

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Ragulskis, Minvydas
Automatisierung ab 1950
thumbnail of30309009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2005: Dynamic synthesis of the recoil imitation system of weapons
Autor: Fedaravičius, Algimantas; Ragulskis, Minvydas; Sližys, E.
Erschienen: 2005
thumbnail of29934009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2006: Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system – problem of external ballistics
Autor: Fedaravicius, Algimantas; Jonevicius, Vaclovas; Ragulskis, Minvydas
Erschienen: 2006
thumbnail of30228009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2006: Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system-problem of internal ballistics
Autor: Fedaravičius, Algimantas; Jonevičius, Vaclovas; Ragulskis, Minvydas; Survila, Arvydas
Erschienen: 2006
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