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Zur Nutzung der elektronischen Rechentechnik für die Lösung getriebetechnischer Aufgaben, in: Proceedings of the symposium on computer aided design in mechanical engineering

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General information

Author Volmer, Johannes; Bögelsack, Gerhard; Hammerschmidt, Christian; Kunad, Günther; Luck, Kurt; Müller, Jörg
Published  clup, Milano, 1976
Extend  S. 345 - 357
Journal articles
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Proceedings of the symposium on computer aided design in mechanical engineering
Author: Cugini, U. (Ed.); Volmer, Johannes; Bögelsack, Gerhard; Hammerschmidt, Christian; Kunad, Günther; Luck, Kurt; Müller, Jörg
Published: 1976
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Documents: Proceedings of the symposium on computer aided design in mechanical engineering
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Time of publication 1976
