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International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)

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Autor Diaconescu, Dorin; Saulescu, Radu Gabriel; Borca, A.; Dudiţă, Florea; Alexandru, Catalin; Vişa, Ion; Antonescu, Ovidiu; Dugăeşescu, Ileana; Antonescu, Păun; Petrescu, R.; Ardelean, Ioan; Teutan, E.; Bratu, I.; Alexandru, R.; Abrudan, G.; Ciauşu, Viorel; Merticaru, Eugen; Jaliu, Codruța; Dobra, Andreea; Dumitru, A.; Petre, I.; Tache, C.; Predescu, L.; Dumitru, Nicolae; Gavrilă, Cornel Catalin; Grigore, Jan-Cristian; Pandrea, N.; Stănescu, Nicolae-Doru; Marin, C.; Martineac, Aurel; Tempea, Iosif; Mitsi, S.; Bouzakis, K. D.; Mansour, G.; Noveanu, Simona; Csibi, Vencel; Noveanu, D.; Orănescu, Amedeu; Bejenaru, Silvia; Rus, Madalina; Pandrea, Nicolae; Parlac, Sebastian; Pele, Alexandru-Viorel; Rus, Alexandru; Băban, Călin-Florin; Popa, L.; Radu, Marilena; Chişu, Emil; Tănăsescu, Ion; Zamfir, V.; Dumitrache, G.; Ridzi, M.; Virgolici, H. M.; Bara, Mircea Viorel; Brişan, Cornel; Barabaş, S.; Budală, Adrian; Jula, Aurel; Teuţan, Emil; Chira, R.; Szancsali, C.; Dijksman, Evert A.; Dobre, George; Mirică, Radu Florin; Miloiu, Gheorghe; Miloiu, Dragoş; Moldovean, Gheorghe; Velicu, Doru; ...
Publicado  Acta Technica Napocensis, Cluj-Napoca (Rumänien), 2004
2000 y posteriores
thumbnail of10749009 The Dynamic Modelling of the N-Cardan Transmissions in the Modular Variant. Part II: The Dynamic Analysis of a 3-Cardan Transmission, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Diaconescu, Dorin; Saulescu, Radu Gabriel; Borca, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10748009 A Kinematic Systematization of the Rzeppa Ball Joints, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Diaconescu, Dorin; Dudiţă, Florea; Saulescu, Radu Gabriel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10741009 Aspects Regarding the Analysis and Simulation of the Mechanisms Using Functional Virtual Prototypes, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Alexandru, Catalin; Vişa, Ion
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10742009 Mechanisms Used for Driving Windows of Automotive Side Doors, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Antonescu, Ovidiu; Dugăeşescu, Ileana
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10743009 Synthesis of Complex Mechanisms Used for Opening/ Closing of Windows on Automotive Side Doors, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Antonescu, Păun; Petrescu, R.; Antonescu, Ovidiu
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10744009 Aspects of Synthesis of Pantograph Mechanisms from the Structure of Measurement Systems, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Ardelean, Ioan; Teutan, E.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10745009 Six-Degrees of Freedom Test Rig Design for Simulation of Mobile Machinery Vibrations, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bratu, I.; Alexandru, R.; Abrudan, G.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10746009 Algorithm for Calculation of the Reaction Forces in Packing Mechanism Considering the Redundant Constraints, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Ciauşu, Viorel; Merticaru, Eugen
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10747009 The Dynamic Modeling of N-CardanTransmissions in the Modular Variant. Part I: The representative Modules Modelling, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Diaconescu, Dorin; Jaliu, Codruța; Saulescu, Radu Gabriel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10755009 Software for Determinate Geometrical Dimension of Internal and External Cylindrical GearWheel, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dobra, Andreea
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10756009 Contribution to the Kinematics Synthesis for the Adjustment Mechanisms of the Main Spindle Speed for CNC Lathes, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dumitru, A.; Petre, I.; Tache, C.; Predescu, L.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10757009 About Dimensional Synthesis for the Feed Mechanism of Slides Bed from a Multiaxle Automat Lathe Structure, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dumitru, A.; Predescu, L.; Tache, C.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10758009 The Elasto-Dynamical Analysis of Mechanical Mobile Systems Using Finite Element Method, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dumitru, Nicolae
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10759009 The Elasto-Dynamical Analysis of Mechanisms from Structure of Walking Robots, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dumitru, Nicolae
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10760009 Kinematics of Transversal Coupling with Four Mobile Bodies by Multibody Systems Method, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Gavrilă, Cornel Catalin; Vişa, Ion
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10761009 Algorithm and Calculus Program for the Dynamical Study of the Planar Mechanisms with Clearances, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Grigore, Jan-Cristian; Pandrea, N.; Stănescu, Nicolae-Doru
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10762009 Positional Analysis of the Four-Bar Mechanism and the Numerical Resolution of the System of Equation Using Newton Raphson Method, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Marin, C.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10763009 The Constructive, Functional and Structural Study of a Symetric Pantograph, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Martineac, Aurel; Tempea, Iosif; Dugăeşescu, Ileana
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10764009 Position Analysis in Polynomial Form of Assur Groups of Class 3 and Order 3 Including 2 or 3 Prismatic Join, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mitsi, S.; Bouzakis, K. D.; Mansour, G.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10765009 Analysis of Compliant Mechanisms Using Finite Element, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Noveanu, Simona; Csibi, Vencel; Noveanu, D.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10766009 Prioritees de patrimone de l’ecole de mecanismes de Galaţi, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Orănescu, Amedeu; Bejenaru, Silvia; Rus, Madalina
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10767009 About the Vibrations with Excitation Through Base of the Rigid Suspended by Deformed Cinematic Chains, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Pandrea, Nicolae; Parlac, Sebastian
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10768009 Mathematical Model for the Dynamical Study of the Planar Mechanisms Clearances, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Pandrea, Nicolae; Stănescu, Nicolae-Doru; Grigore, Jan-Cristian
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10769009 Numerical Calculus in Dynamics of the Planar Mechanisms with Flexible Elements, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Pele, Alexandru-Viorel; Rus, Alexandru; Băban, Călin-Florin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10770009 Contributions to the Study of Dynamic Stability of Shafts with Noncircular Section, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Popa, L.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10771009 A New Elastic Coupling with Nonmetallic Elements, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Radu, Marilena; Chişu, Emil; Tănăsescu, Ion
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10772009 About the Dynamics of Many degrees of Freedom Mechanisms, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Stănescu, Nicolae-Doru; Grigore, Jan-Cristian; Pandrea, Nicolae
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10773009 Establishing the Kinetostatic Performance of a Technological Feeding Mechanism, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Zamfir, V.; Dumitrache, G.; Ridzi, M.; Virgolici, H. M.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10774009 The Study of the Friction Losses in the Frontal Transmission with Balls, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bara, Mircea Viorel; Brişan, Cornel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10776009 Modelling of the Functional Performances of a Coupling with Friction Shoes and Adjestable Centrifugal Driving, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Budală, Adrian; Jula, Aurel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10777009 The CAD Model of a Coupling with Friction Shoes and Adjestable Centrifugal Driving. Results and Comparisons, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Budală, Adrian; Tănăsescu, Ion; Chişu, Emil
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10778009 A Cycloidal Drive with Adjustable Radial Backlash, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Csibi, Vencel; Teuţan, Emil; Noveanu, Simona; Chira, R.; Szancsali, C.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10779009 Separate Gears Framed at an Adjustable Distance, but Heaving a Constant Gear Well Transmission Using Auxiliary-or Chaine, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dijksman, Evert A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10780009 An Overview of the Researches at the Department of Machine Elements and Tribology from the University „Politehnica” of Bucharest in the Mechanical Transmission Field, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dobre, George; Mirică, Radu Florin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10781009 Research on the Quarter Turn Actuators, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Miloiu, Gheorghe; Miloiu, Dragoş
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10782009 Design Methodology for Orthogonal Spiral Bevel Gears with Circular Tooth Flank. Optimal Dimensioning, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Moldovean, Gheorghe; Velicu, Doru; Velicu, Radu
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10783009 Planetary Reducer with Double Satellite Gear, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Niţescu, Nicolae; Simaschevici, Horia; Stoian, Anne-Marie
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10784009 Electrohydraulic Driver of Scraper in Dischange Hopper Waggon, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Simaschevici, Horia; Niţescu, Nicolae
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10785009 Aspects Concerning the Positioning Precision of Screw Planetary Gear, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Stan, Sergiu; Bara, Mircea Viorel; Mătieş, Vistrian
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10786009 Design Methodology for Orthogonal Spiral Bevel Gears with Circular Tooth Flank. Preliminary Calculus, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Velicu, Doru; Moldovean, Gheorghe; Velicu, Radu
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10787009 Planetary Gear Box with Synchronous Belts, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Tănăsescu, Ion; Budală, Adrian
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10789009 Calculating Gearing Theeth Actual Stresses, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Anghel, A.; Grigore, Niculaie
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10790009 Reability Aspects of a Mechanical Face Seal, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Argeşanu, Veronica; Mădăras, Lucian
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10796009 Moments of Inertia and Displacements Determination of Elastic Element Included in Helicoidal Metallic Couplings, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Cristescu, R.; Jula, Aurel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10798009 Influence on the Membrane Geometry on Membrane Stress and Strain State at the Flexible Elastic Couplings, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dobre, Daniel; Dobre, George; Mirică, Radu Florin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10815009 On Stress and Strain State at the Membranes Unit from Flexible Elastic Couplings, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dobre, George; Dobre, Daniel; Mirică, Radu Florin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10817009 Heat Transfer Problems Mechanical Face Seals, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mădăras, Lucian; Argeşanu, Veronica
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10818009 Etude sur la modelisation des charges des arbres, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Miriţă, Elena; Pascu, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10819009 The Numerical Solve on the Centrifugal Reactive Filter Equations with Newton-Raphson Method, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Stan, Mărinică; Popa, Dinel; Hara, Vasile
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10825009 Lubrificant Film and Pressure Distribution in Circular Contact under Impact Loading, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Andrei, G.; Walton, D.; Andrei, L.; Bîrsan, I. G.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10827009 The Grinding of Gears – A Way of Processing the Teeth Flanks, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Cărăbaş, Iosif
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10834009 Perspectives on Secondary Seals at the Mechanical Face Seals, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Popa, N.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10836009 Dynamic Loads on Helical Gears with Addendum Modifications, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Atanasiu, Virgil; Leohchi, Dumitru
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10842009 Solid Modeling of non – Standard Cylindrical Gears, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Andrei, L.; Epurean, A.; Andrei, G.; Mereuţă, E.; Toparau, T.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10865009 The Influence of Temperature and Load on Stress and Strain of a Side Sealing, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Davidescu, Arjana; Dreucean, Mircea; Sticlaru, Carmen
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10866009 The FEM Analysis of a Support Blade on the Lower Maxilar, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dreucean, Mircea; Davidescu, Arjana; Sticlaru, Carmen
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10867009 Simulation of the Distribution and Command Hydraulic Equipments Operation, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Maniu, Inocentiu; Ciupe, Valentin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10868009 Computer Aided Validation of a New Method in Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Structures, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mereuţă, E.; Andrei, L.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10869009 The Influence of Temperature and Load on Contact Area of a Side Sealing, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Sticlaru, Carmen; Davidescu, Arjana; Dreucean, Mircea
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10870009 Studies of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin, in Various Environmental Conditions and FEM Simulation, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Tsiafis, I.; Bouzakis, K. D.; Lontos, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10874009 Design and Development of a Sol-Gel Mini-Instalation, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mândru, Dan; Popa, Carmen; Crişan, R.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10876009 A Closed Loop Temperature Control System Based on HPS „Temperature and Brightness Controlled System”, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bălan, Radu; Mătieş, Vistrian; Hâncu, O.; Bălan, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10877009 A Model Based Predictive Control Algorithm Applied to Nonlinear Processes, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bălan, Radu; Mătieş, Vistrian; Hâncu, O.; Bălan, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10878009 A Model Based Predictive Control Algorithm Applied in Motion Control, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bălan, Radu; Mătieş, Vistrian; Hâncu, O.; Bălan, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10879009 AVR Risc Microcontroller in command Unit of Mechatronics Systems, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Ciascai, I.; Mătieş, Vistrian; Bălan, Radu; Pop, S.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10880009 About CLV (Constant Linear Velocity) Technology, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dobra, Andreea
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10881009 Image Processing Based Strategy for a Mobile Robot Control, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Dreucean, Mircea; Drăgulescu, Doina; Toth-Taşcău, Mirela; Jianu, C.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10882009 Considerations Regarding the Mechanisms for Mechatronics, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mătieş, Vistrian; Rusu, Calin
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10883009 Information and Information Links in the Structure of the Mechatronic Systems, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mătieş, Vistrian; Szabo, F. S.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10884009 Shape Memory alloy Composites Actuators, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Popa, Carmen; Batin, G.; Mândru, Dan; Vida-Simiti, I.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10885009 Inchworm Microrobot, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Tătar, Mihai Olimpiu; Mătieş, Vistrian; Mândru, Dan
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10886009 L’équilibre de l’object prise dans un préhensor avec elements élastiques, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Ardelean, Ioan; Rusu, Calin; Chira, R.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10888009 Raidure des elementes d’un méecanisme préhensor avec n-points de contact, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Ardelean, Ioan; Rusu, Calin; Chira, R.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10890009 Modular Dynamics of Anthropomorphic Robots, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Brişan, Cornel
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10891009 Modular Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Robots, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Brişan, Cornel; Dög, Michael
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10901009 On the Geometric Calibration of a 4R Planar Parallel Robot-Structure, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Neagoe, M.; Jaliu, Codruța; Creţescu, N.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10902009 On the High Order Kinematic Calibration of a 2R Planar Serial Robot-Structure, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Neagoe, M.; Munteanu, O.; Neagoe, A.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10907009 Geometric Design Optimization of Spatial RR Robot Manipulator Using a Hybrid Algorithm, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Sagris, M.; Mitsi, S.; Bouzakis, K. D.; Mansour, G.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10909009 Aspects Concerning the Systematization of Gripping Device with JAWS, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Stăncescu, C; Stareţu, Ionel; Bolboe, M.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10911009 Imagistic Method for Topological and Kinematical – Positional Analysis of a Human Hand’s Movement, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Lovasz, Erwin-Christian; Ciupe, Valentin; Mateaş, Marius; Sîrbu, I. O.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10913009 Strukturanalyse eines Handprothese, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Văcărescu, Valeria
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10914009 Optimale Struktursynthese eines Mechanismus für eine Handprothese mit ungelenkigen Fingern, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Văcărescu, Valeria
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10915009 Experimental Testing for Finishing off a Car’s Seat, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Alexandru, Petre; Antonya, Csaba; Alexandru, Catalin; Stroe, I.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10927009 Téchnique de créativité dans l’enseignement téchnique, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Bobancu, S.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10929009 Team-Work Student Design Projects in Reabilitation Engineering, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mândru, Dan; Crişan, R.
Publicado: 2004
thumbnail of10930009 Une méthode perfectionée dans l’appréciation de la qualité des produits, in: International Conference on Mechanims and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (9, 2004, Cluj-Napoca)
Autor: Mesaroş-Anghel, Voicu; Mădăras, Lucian
Publicado: 2004
Linked items
Documents: Aspects Regarding the Analysis and Simulation of the Mechanisms Using Functional Virtual Prototypes
Mechanisms Used for Driving Windows of Automotive Side Doors
Synthesis of Complex Mechanisms Used for Opening/ Closing of Windows on Automotive Side Doors
Aspects of Synthesis of Pantograph Mechanisms from the Structure of Measurement Systems
Six-Degrees of Freedom Test Rig Design for Simulation of Mobile Machinery Vibrations
Algorithm for Calculation of the Reaction Forces in Packing Mechanism Considering the Redundant Constraints
The Dynamic Modeling of N-CardanTransmissions in the Modular Variant. Part I: The representative Modules Modelling
A Kinematic Systematization of the Rzeppa Ball Joints
The Dynamic Modelling of the N-Cardan Transmissions in the Modular Variant. Part II: The Dynamic Analysis of a 3-Cardan Transmission
Software for Determinate Geometrical Dimension of Internal and External Cylindrical GearWheel
Contribution to the Kinematics Synthesis for the Adjustment Mechanisms of the Main Spindle Speed for CNC Lathes
About Dimensional Synthesis for the Feed Mechanism of Slides Bed from a Multiaxle Automat Lathe Structure
The Elasto-Dynamical Analysis of Mechanical Mobile Systems Using Finite Element Method
The Elasto-Dynamical Analysis of Mechanisms from Structure of Walking Robots
Kinematics of Transversal Coupling with Four Mobile Bodies by Multibody Systems Method
Algorithm and Calculus Program for the Dynamical Study of the Planar Mechanisms with Clearances
Positional Analysis of the Four-Bar Mechanism and the Numerical Resolution of the System of Equation Using Newton Raphson Method
The Constructive, Functional and Structural Study of a Symetric Pantograph
Position Analysis in Polynomial Form of Assur Groups of Class 3 and Order 3 Including 2 or 3 Prismatic Join
Analysis of Compliant Mechanisms Using Finite Element
Prioritees de patrimone de l’ecole de mecanismes de Galaţi
About the Vibrations with Excitation Through Base of the Rigid Suspended by Deformed Cinematic Chains
Mathematical Model for the Dynamical Study of the Planar Mechanisms Clearances
Numerical Calculus in Dynamics of the Planar Mechanisms with Flexible Elements
Contributions to the Study of Dynamic Stability of Shafts with Noncircular Section
A New Elastic Coupling with Nonmetallic Elements
About the Dynamics of Many degrees of Freedom Mechanisms
Establishing the Kinetostatic Performance of a Technological Feeding Mechanism
The Study of the Friction Losses in the Frontal Transmission with Balls
Modelling of the Functional Performances of a Coupling with Friction Shoes and Adjestable Centrifugal Driving
The CAD Model of a Coupling with Friction Shoes and Adjestable Centrifugal Driving. Results and Comparisons
A Cycloidal Drive with Adjustable Radial Backlash
Separate Gears Framed at an Adjustable Distance, but Heaving a Constant Gear Well Transmission Using Auxiliary-or Chaine
An Overview of the Researches at the Department of Machine Elements and Tribology from the University „Politehnica” of Bucharest in the Mechanical Transmission Field
Research on the Quarter Turn Actuators
Design Methodology for Orthogonal Spiral Bevel Gears with Circular Tooth Flank. Optimal Dimensioning
Planetary Reducer with Double Satellite Gear
Electrohydraulic Driver of Scraper in Dischange Hopper Waggon
Aspects Concerning the Positioning Precision of Screw Planetary Gear
Design Methodology for Orthogonal Spiral Bevel Gears with Circular Tooth Flank. Preliminary Calculus
Planetary Gear Box with Synchronous Belts
Calculating Gearing Theeth Actual Stresses
Reability Aspects of a Mechanical Face Seal
Moments of Inertia and Displacements Determination of Elastic Element Included in Helicoidal Metallic Couplings
Influence on the Membrane Geometry on Membrane Stress and Strain State at the Flexible Elastic Couplings
On Stress and Strain State at the Membranes Unit from Flexible Elastic Couplings
Heat Transfer Problems Mechanical Face Seals
Etude sur la modelisation des charges des arbres
The Numerical Solve on the Centrifugal Reactive Filter Equations with Newton-Raphson Method
Lubrificant Film and Pressure Distribution in Circular Contact under Impact Loading
The Grinding of Gears – A Way of Processing the Teeth Flanks
Perspectives on Secondary Seals at the Mechanical Face Seals
Dynamic Loads on Helical Gears with Addendum Modifications
Solid Modeling of non – Standard Cylindrical Gears
The Influence of Temperature and Load on Stress and Strain of a Side Sealing
The FEM Analysis of a Support Blade on the Lower Maxilar
Simulation of the Distribution and Command Hydraulic Equipments Operation
Computer Aided Validation of a New Method in Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Structures
The Influence of Temperature and Load on Contact Area of a Side Sealing
Studies of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin, in Various Environmental Conditions and FEM Simulation
Design and Development of a Sol-Gel Mini-Instalation
A Closed Loop Temperature Control System Based on HPS „Temperature and Brightness Controlled System”
A Model Based Predictive Control Algorithm Applied to Nonlinear Processes
A Model Based Predictive Control Algorithm Applied in Motion Control
AVR Risc Microcontroller in command Unit of Mechatronics Systems
About CLV (Constant Linear Velocity) Technology
Image Processing Based Strategy for a Mobile Robot Control
Considerations Regarding the Mechanisms for Mechatronics
Information and Information Links in the Structure of the Mechatronic Systems
Shape Memory alloy Composites Actuators
Inchworm Microrobot
L’équilibre de l’object prise dans un préhensor avec elements élastiques
Raidure des elementes d’un méecanisme préhensor avec n-points de contact
Modular Dynamics of Anthropomorphic Robots
Modular Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Robots
On the Geometric Calibration of a 4R Planar Parallel Robot-Structure
On the High Order Kinematic Calibration of a 2R Planar Serial Robot-Structure
Geometric Design Optimization of Spatial RR Robot Manipulator Using a Hybrid Algorithm
Aspects Concerning the Systematization of Gripping Device with JAWS
Imagistic Method for Topological and Kinematical – Positional Analysis of a Human Hand’s Movement
Strukturanalyse eines Handprothese
Optimale Struktursynthese eines Mechanismus für eine Handprothese mit ungelenkigen Fingern
Experimental Testing for Finishing off a Car’s Seat
Téchnique de créativité dans l’enseignement téchnique
Team-Work Student Design Projects in Reabilitation Engineering
Une méthode perfectionée dans l’appréciation de la qualité des produits
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Time of publication 2004
