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Synthesis of Five-bar Motion Generation with Gear Fabrication Tolerances, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics

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Información general

Autor Al-Smadi, Yahia; Bhargava, A.; Mahgoub, M.; Mutawe, S.; Sodhi, R. S.
Publicado  Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011
2000 y posteriores
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Computational Kinematics, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
Autor: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Moreno Avalos, Hector Alonso; Pamanes Garcia, Jose Alfonso; Sholanov, Korganbay; Dumur, Didier; Lara Molina, Fabian Andres; Rosario, João Maurício; Carricato, Marco; Merlet, Jean-Pierre; Bi, Z.; Gibson, R.; Higgins, C.; Jin, Yan; McClory, C.; McToal, P.; Morgan, M.; Loe, Chan-Yu; Lee, Chung-Ching; He, Baoxiang; [...]
Publicado: 2011
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Documents: Computational Kinematics
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Time of publication 2011
