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Jensen, Preben W.

Dr. Preben W. Jensen joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at MSU in 1986. He received his doctorate in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. Before joining MSU, Dr. Jensen taught for a number of years at Cleveland State University and the University of Bridgeport and has worked in several industries in U.S. and abroad as a design engineer, project engineer, and a consulting engineer. His area of expertise includes theory of Machines and Mechanisms. His current research interests are in theory and application of cams, gears, linkages, planetary gears, and systematic design of mechanisms. Dr. Jensen is the author of four books, two monographs, seven patents, and more than 300 publications. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a reviewer for the National Science Foundation Research Grants. Dr. Jensen retired in June 1998.
diversas escrituras:
Jensen, Preben W.
Automatización, desde 1950
no fulltext found Charts give best dimensions for four-bar power linkages, in: Product engineering
Autor: Jensen, Preben W.; Volmer, Johannes
Publicado: 1962
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