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Experimental Validation of a Dynamic Model for Lightweight Robots | Validazione sperimentale di un modello dinamico per robot leggeri, in: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

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Información general

Autor Gasparetto, Alessandro; Moosav, Amir Kiaeian; Boscariol, Paolo; Giovagnoni, Marco
Publicado  InTech Open Access Publisher, 2013
Abstract Nowadays, one of the main topics in robotics
research is dynamic performance improvement by means
of a lightening of the overall system structure.
The effective motion and control of these lightweight
robotic systems occurs with the use of suitable motion
planning and control process. In order to do so, modelbased
approaches can be adopted by exploiting accurate
dynamic models that take into account the inertial and
elastic terms that are usually neglected in a heavy rigid
link configuration.
In this paper, an effective method for modelling spatial
lightweight industrial robots based on an Equivalent
Rigid Link System approach is considered from an
experimental validation perspective.
A dynamic simulator implementing the formulation is
used and an experimental test‐bench is set‐up.
Experimental tests are carried out with a benchmark
L‐shape mechanism.
Artículos en revistas
2000 y posteriores
Superordinate work
no fulltext found International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Autor: Ottaviano, Erika; Ceccarelli, Marco; Husty, Manfred; Yu, Sung-Hoon; Kim, Yong-Tae; Park, Chang-Woo; Hyun, Chang-Ho; Chen, Xiulong; Feng, Weiming; Sun, Xianyang; Gao, Qing; Grigorescu, Sorin M.; Pozna, Claudiu; Liu, Wanli; Zhankui, Wang; Guo, Meng; Fu, Guoyu; Zhang, Jin; Chen, Wenyuan; Peng, Fengchao; Yang, Pei; Chen, Chunlin; Ding, Rui; Yu, Junzhi; Yang, Qinghai; Tan, Min; Polden, Joseph; Pan, [...]
Publicado: 2004
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Documents: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
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Time of publication 2013
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