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Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Multibody Dynamics: Unscented Kalman Filter for Parameter Estimation of the Lankarani-Nikravesh Contact Force Model

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Información general

Autor Ma, Jia; Qian, Linfang; Chen, Guangsong; Dong, Shuai
Publicado  Taipei, Taiwan, 2015
2000 y posteriores
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Multibody Dynamics, in: Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress
Autor: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Kim, Kun-Woo; Lee, Jae-Wook; Kim, Hyung-Ryul; Jang, Jin-Seok; Yoo, Wan-Suk; Ma, Jia; Qian, Linfang; Chen, Guangsong; Dong, Shuai; Askari, E.; Flores, Paulo; Dabirrahmani, D.; Appleyard, Richard; Mărgineanu, Dan; Lovasz, Erwin-Christian; Ciupe, Valentin; Gruescu, Corina; Modler, Karl-Heinz; Zhao, Dong-Jie; Liu, [...]
Publicado: 2015
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Time of publication 2015
