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Progettazione, realizzazione e validazione sperimentale di un microgripper con attuatori a memoria di forma

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Informations générales

Auteur Carbone, Giuseppe
Publié  Cassino, 2000
Publications scientifiques
2000 et après
Scheme of the microgripper
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Scheme of the mechanism in Fig.3.10
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Scheme of the microgripper in Fig.3.10 and 3.17
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Scheme of a flexural joint
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£D model of a fingertip of type III
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Microgripper prototype with fingertips
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3D view of the attachment part
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Robotic system with a microgripper and microcamera.
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Zoom view of Fig.3.29.
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Microgripper for experimental validation
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Altro prototipo di microgripper realizzato presso l’istituto IFH, (per gentile concessione dell’Istituto IFH del Politecnico di Braunschweig).
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Detail of the force and position sensor for experimental validation
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Scheme of the test-bed with position sensors
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Scheme of the microgripper test-bed
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Banco munito di prototipo e due sensori di posizione.
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Test-bed with microgripper prototype together with position and force sensors.
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Scheme of the distribution as related to Figs.4.22 and 4.23.
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diagram of a virtual instrument within the thesis
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Curva di chiusura-apertura delle dita del prototipo di Fig.4.2.
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Azione elementare 1.2.1
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Azione elementare 1.2.2
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Forces and torques for grasping force calculation
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Modello strutturale tridimensionale del meccanismo del microgripper realizzato
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Data provider
UCAUniv. Cassino
Administrative information
Time of publication 2000
