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Análisis de Precisión de Manipuladores Paralelos

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Informations générales

Auteur Aginaga, Jokin
Publié  Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 2011
Abstract Análisis de Precisión de Manipuladores Paralelos.
"Análisis de Precisión de Manipuladores Paralelos". Procedente de la Tesis doctoral de Jokin Aginaga realizada en la universidad del País Vasco.
Publications scientifiques
2000 et après
Diagram of a 6-RUS parallel manipulator
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Prototype of a 6-RUS parallel manipulator
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6-RUS type parallel manipulator as a positioning table.
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Diagram of a 3-PRS type parallel manipulator
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Stiffness matrix determinant
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Components classification of Da Vinci machines.
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Limestone machine by Leonardo da Vinci
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Watt regulator
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Equivalent element with clearance
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Parallel planar 5R mechanism
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Free body diagram of the  point P
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K component of each kinematic chain
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Free body diagram of the  AiBi bar
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Working modes of the 5R mechanism
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Stiffness of the 5R mechanism
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Max stiffness positions
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Min stiffness positions
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Type III singularities of the 5R mechanism
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Stiffness for other geometrical parameters
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Used nomenclature for the parallel mechanism 6-RUS
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Finite element model of the rod
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Two different solutions for the inverse kinematics
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Stiffness representation in the x-y plane
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Stiffness representation in a Z-Phi plane
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X-Y-Z representation of the translation stiffness index
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Instrumentation setting
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Stiffness possible values
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Comparison of stiffness
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Error calculation procedure
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Rotation Joints with clearances
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Relative coordinates  of the 5R mechanism
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Contact model of a planar joint
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CAD model of the PAR2 robot
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Pick-and-place path
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Pick-and-place error
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Joint forces
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Passive angle variation
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Simulated and nominal path
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Machining moment
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Machining error
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Joint forces along the machining
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Passive angles variations
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Simulated and nominal path
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Workspace error
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Workspace error for a vertical load
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Geometric place of reactions
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Geometric place for null moments
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5R mechanism with clearances in a discontinuity position
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Pick-and-place discontinuities
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Period influence in the position error
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Spatial revolute joint with clearance
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Spherical joint with clearance
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R-S part of the kinematic chain
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Workspace error of the  3-PRS manipulator
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Error for radial clearance in revolute joints
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Error for axial clearance in revolute joints
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Error for spherical joints with radial clearance
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Position velocity and acceleration in theta
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Dynamic and static position error
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Static and dynamic position error
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Error calculation procedure
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Local base in the 5R mechanism
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Load in the free extreme
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Uniformed distributed loads
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Variable distributed load
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Real path
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Error from the clearances
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Error from the deformation
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Error from the clearances and deformations
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3 PRS manipulator architecture
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Local references system
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3-PRS machine tool
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Parasite motions
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Real motion of the point Q
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Path error from parasite motions
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Error from the clearances and deformations in P
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Error from clearances and deformations in Q
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Error caused by deformations in P
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Error in Q in the x-y plane caused by clearances and deformations
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Linked items
Images: Relative coordinates of the 5R mechanism
Permanent links
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Europeana FaviconEuropeana
Data provider
UBCUniv. Basque C.
Administrative information
Time of publication 2011
