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Grybėnas, A.

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Orthographe également utilisé:
Grybėnas, A.
Automatisation, depuis 1950
thumbnail of29878009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2008: Numerical and experimental research of the influence of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of zirconium – 2.5% niobium alloy
Auteur: Janulionis, R.; Daunys, Mykolas; Dundulis, Gintautas; Grybėnas, A.; Karalevičius, R.
Publié: 2008
thumbnail of30236009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2010: Investigation of resistance of nuclear fuel cladding to hydride cracking
Auteur: Makarevičius, V.; Grybėnas, A.; Kriūkienė, Rita
Publié: 2010
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