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Sihvo, Inga

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Orthographe également utilisé:
Sihvo, Inga
Automatisation, depuis 1950
thumbnail of30329009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2008: The wear of single flute gun drill and tool life tests
Auteur: Sihvo, Inga; Varis, Juha
Publié: 2008
thumbnail of29772009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2009: Chip control system for monitoring the breaking of chips and elimination of continuous chips in rough turning
Auteur: Ryynänen, Ville; Ratava, Juho; Lindh, Tuomo; Rikkonen, Mikko; Sihvo, Inga; Leppänen, Johanna; Varis, Juha
Publié: 2009
thumbnail of29925009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2010: Estimation of tool wear of a gun drill using the signal curve pattern of feed force
Auteur: Sihvo, Inga; Varis, Juha
Publié: 2010
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