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Historia de los mecanismos, in: Dyna, Volume 25. 1950

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Informations générales

Auteur Pastor Rupérez, Justo
Publié  Publicaciones Dyna S.L., Bilbao, Spain, 1950
Abstract Pastor Rupérez, Justo, "Historia de los mecanismos". Dyna Journal, vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 60-76, Bilbao, Spain, (1950).
"Historia de los mecanismos". Dyna Journal, vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 60-76, Bilbao, Spain, (1950). Artículo procedente de los artículos publicados por la revista DYNA.
Articles de journal
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Volume 25. 1950, in: Dyna
Auteur: Puig Adam, Pedro; Haringx, J.A.; Pastor Rupérez, Justo; Ortega Costa, Joaquín; López Tapia, Santiago
Publié: 1950
Configuration of cross straps
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Pair of first-degree revolution
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Pair of first-degree prism
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Pair of first-degree helix
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Pair of second degree
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Pair of second degree level
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Spherical pair of second-degree
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Method to produce fire
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More sophisticated method to produce fire
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Wheel to elevate the water
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Lathe used in the past
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Lathe shape
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Configuration of crossed straps.
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Toscan distaff and time device
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Spinning wheel
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Manually operating lathe
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hindu Kuppilai Picota
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Important installation of a chadouff
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Primitive bow or crossbow
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Linked items
Images: Lathe shape
Documents: Volume 25. 1950
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Data provider
UBCUniv. Basque C.
Administrative information
Time of publication 1950
