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Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2012: Electro elastic analysis of a pressurized thick-walled functionally graded piezoelectric cylinder using the first order shear deformation theory and energy method

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Auteur Rahimi, G. H.; Arefi, M.; Khoshgoftan, M. J.
Publié  Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, 2012
2000 et après
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Mechanika: Mechanika Volumes 2012
Auteur: Yifei, Tong; Yong, He; Zhibing, Gong; Dongbo, Li; baiqing, Zhu; Rimašauskas, Marius; Rimašauskienė, Ruta; Ghannad, Mehdi; Nejad, Mohammad Zamani; Kurt, M.; Köklü, Ugur; Matin, M. Habibi; Dehsara, M.; Abbassi, A.; Straubergaitė, L.; Juodžbalienė, V.; Tolocka, R. T.; Muckus, K.; Madič, M.; Marinkovič, Velmar; Radovanovič, Mirado; Kerfah, Rabah; Filali, El ghalia; Belkacem, Zeghmati; Kasparaitis, A.; [...]
Publié: 2012
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Time of publication 2012
