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Dimensional synthesis of 6- and 8-bar planar mechanisms using centerpoint search and polynomial continuation method in automotive engineering, in: Proceedings // The Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Volume 3

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Informations générales

Auteur Corves, Burkhard; Stolle, Georg; Hüsing, Mathias
Publié  China Machine Press, Tianjin, 2004
Extension  S. 1180 - 1184
Articles de journal
2000 et après
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Proceedings // The Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: Volume 3
Auteur: Huang, Tian (Ed.); Corves, Burkhard; Stolle, Georg; Hüsing, Mathias; Kerle, Hanfried; Hesselbach, Jürgen; Krefft, Mathias; Plitea, Nicolae; Modler, Karl-Heinz; Lin, Song
Publié: 2004
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Time of publication 2004
