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Nefzi, Marwene

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Nefzi, Marwene
Automatizzazione, dal 1950
no fulltext found Kinematic analysis and workspace determination of a parallel manipulator with five degrees of freedom, in: Proceedings // International Workshop on Computational Kinematics CK2005
Autore: Corves, Burkhard; Mbarek, Taoufik; Nefzi, Marwene
Pubblicato: 2005
no fulltext found Prototypische Entwicklung und Konstruktion eines neuartigen Parallelmanipulators mit dem Freiheitsgrad fünf, in: VDI-Berichte, Mechatronik 2005, Teil 1
Autore: Corves, Burkhard; Nefzi, Marwene; Mbarek, Taoufik
Pubblicato: 2005
no fulltext found Optimierung von Bewegungsprofilen, in: VDI-Berichte, Bewegungstechnik
Autore: Corves, Burkhard; Bonsch, Frank; Nefzi, Marwene
Pubblicato: 2006
no fulltext found L'etalonnage d'un robot parallèle utilisé dans une unité d'assemblage des renforts des materiaux composites
Autore: Nefzi, Marwene; Corves, Burkhard; Hüsing, Mathias; Renders, Steven
Pubblicato: 2008
no fulltext found Kalibrierung eines Parallelroboters mit dem Freiheitsgrad 5 für den Einsatz in einer Nähanlage
Autore: Nefzi, Marwene; Corves, Burkhard; Hüsing, Mathias; Renders, Steven
Pubblicato: 2008
no fulltext found Identifikation der kinematischen Parameter eines Parallelroboters mit dem Freiheitsgrad fünf
Autore: Nefzi, Marwene; Corves, Burkhard; Hüsing, Mathias; Renders, Steven
Pubblicato: 2008
no fulltext found An adjustable gripper as a reconfigurable robot with a parallel structure
Autore: Riedel, Martin; Nefzi, Marwene; Hüsing, Mathias; Corves, Burkhard
Pubblicato: 2008
no fulltext found Kinematics and kinetics of a high-dynamic sewing plant for FRC-materials based on parallel manipulator
Autore: Mbarek, Taoufik; Nefzi, Marwene; Kordi, Mohannad Tarsha; Corves, Burkhard
Pubblicato: 2007
no fulltext found A high-dynamic robot based sewing system
Autore: Corves, Burkhard; Mbarek, Taoufik; Riedel, Martin; Nefzi, Marwene; Kordi, Mohannad Tarsha
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of22456009 Development of Tailor-Made Robots - From Concept to Realization for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Robotics and Mechatronics
Autore: Corves, Burkhard; Hüsing, Mathias; Nefzi, Marwene; Riedel, Martin
Pubblicato: 2011
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