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A Study of Feasibility for a Macro-Milli Serial-Parallel Robotic Manipulator for Surgery Operated by a 3 Dofs Haptic Device

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Autore Carbone, Giuseppe; Ceccarelli, Marco; Ottaviano, Erika; Checcacci D.; Frisoli A.; Avizzano C.A.; Bergamasco M.
Pubblicato  Cassino, 2003
Volume  6 pages
Abstract In this paper, a network distributed master/slave system is presented.
In this paper, a network distributed master/slave system is presented. The teleoperation system will be composed of a 3 DOFs haptic master and a 6+3 DOFs macro-milli serial-parallel slave. The system will be employed for tele-surgery purposes. The feasibility of the system, application tasks, and of the
interconnecting architecture is investigated and presented. First experimental tests have been also carried out.
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Time of publication 2003
