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Kinematic-structural analysis of spatial mechanisms. Application to the parallel kinematic machines (Presentation), in: Compmech research group

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Autore Ispizua, E.; Pinto Cámara, Charles; del Pozo, D.; López Martínez, J.M.; Altuzarra Maestre, Oscar; Hernández Frías, Alfonso
Pubblicato  COMPMECH Research Group, Tenerife, Spain, 2004
Abstract Ispizua, E. , Pinto, Ch. , del Pozo, D. , López, J.M., Altuzarra, O., Hernández, A., "Kinematic-structural analysis of spatial mechanisms. Application to the parallel kinematic machines (Presentation)".
Ispizua, E. , Pinto, Ch. , del Pozo, D. , López, J.M., Altuzarra, O., Hernández, A., "Kinematic-structural analysis of spatial mechanisms. Application to the parallel kinematic machines (Presentation)". COMPMECH Research Group and ROBOTIKER Company, Tenerife, Spain, (2004).
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Kinematic-structural analysis of spatial mechanisms
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Time of publication 2004
