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Davies, Trevor Homes

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Davies, Trevor Homes
Automatizzazione, dal 1950
no fulltext found Information from United States Patents describing Linkages
Autore: Brown, S. R.; Davies, Trevor Homes; Crossley, Frank R. Erskine
Pubblicato: 1971
thumbnail of20019009 Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: Simple examples of dual coupling networks.
Autore: Davies, Trevor Homes
Pubblicato: 2007
thumbnail of22393009 Coupling Networks Dual with Planar Revolute Coupled Linkages in Critical Configurations, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Linkages and cams
Autore: Davies, Trevor Homes; Laus, Luis Paulo
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22621009 Tellegen's Theorem Applied to Machinery, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Dynamics of machinery
Autore: Davies, Trevor Homes; Laus, Luis Paulo
Pubblicato: 2011
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