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Ad 02-1999: Minutes of the General Assembly in Oulu (Finland) in 1999 10th IFToMM World Congress

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Autore IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science
Pubblicato  1999
Volume  23 pages
Abstract Document of the IFToMM archive, at CISM in Udine, Italy.
Documento dell’Archivio IFToMM, presso CISM in Udine, Italia. Il documento è catalogato nell’archivio con sigla Ad 02-1999: Minutes of the General Assembly in Oulu (Finland) in 1999 10th IFToMM World Congress.

Document of the IFToMM archive, at CISM in Udine, Italy. This document is identified in the archive with the code Ad 02-1999: Minutes of the General Assembly in Oulu (Finland) in 1999 10th IFToMM World Congress.
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Time of publication 1999
