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Rotary Expander for Operation with Waste or Solar Derived Heat., in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Energy Saving Mechanical Systems

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Autore Chicurel, Ricardo; González, A.; Rodríguez, M. Isabel; Terrazas, Ernesto
Pubblicato  Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011
2000 ed oltre
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Energy Saving Mechanical Systems, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
Autore: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Bostan, Ion; Dulgheru, Valeriu; Bostan, Viorel; Bălan, Radu; Donca, Radu; Mătieş, Vistrian; Mureşan, Vlad; Stan, Sergiu; Martinez Jimenez, Maximo; Munoz Hernandez, Guillermo; Diaconescu, Dorin; Duta, Anca; Hermenean, Ioana; Visa, Ion; Stan, A. I.; Stroe, I.; Stroe, Daniel Ioan; Burduhos, Bogdan Gabriel; Saulescu, [...]
Pubblicato: 2011
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Documents: Energy Saving Mechanical Systems
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Time of publication 2011
