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Criterios de diseño para los silenciadores de descarga de los compresores herméticos alternativos, in: Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica, Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica Año 7 Vol. 1

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Informazioni generali

Autore De los Santos, M.A.; Cardona, S.; Solanes, J.M.
Pubblicato  Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica, Barcelona, Spain, 1989
Abstract "Criterios de diseño para los silenciadores de descarga de los compresores herméticos alternativos"
"Criterios de diseño para los silenciadores de descarga de los compresores herméticos alternativos". Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica, vol. Año7 vol.1, pp. 109-113, Barcelona, Spain, (1989).
Articoli a Rivista
Modelo of the uncharge muffler of type A
Premi per ingrandire
Impedance of themean section of the uncharge mufflers of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Transfer function of the  uncharge muffler of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Impedance of the uncharge muffler of compressor A with an increased volume in the discharge chamber
Premi per ingrandire
Transfer function of the uncharge muffler of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Impedance of the uncharge muffler of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Transfer function of the uncharge muffler of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Impedance of the uncharge muffler of compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Transfer function of the uncharge muffler of the compressor A
Premi per ingrandire
Model of uncharge muffler of compressor B
Premi per ingrandire
Impedance of the meaning section of the uncharge muffler of compressor B
Premi per ingrandire
Transfer function of the uncharge muffler of compressor B
Premi per ingrandire
Linked items
Images: Impedance of the meaning section of the uncharge muffler of compressor B
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Time of publication 1989
