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Gaidys, Rimvydas

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diversa grafia:
Gaidys, Rimvydas
Automatizzazione, dal 1950
thumbnail of30278009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2008: Numerical simulation of tooth mobility using nonlinear model of the periodontal ligament
Autore: Danielytė, Jovita; Gaidys, Rimvydas
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of30292009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2009: Experiments and simulations of ultrasonically assisted turning tool
Autore: Rimkevičienė, J.; Ostaševičius, Vytautas; Jūrėnas, Vytautas; Gaidys, Rimvydas
Pubblicato: 2009
thumbnail of29817009 Mechanika, Mechanika Volumes 2011: Agent-based methodology for developing mechatronic systems software
Autore: Kizauskiene, Losta; Kazanavicius, E.; Gaidys, Rimvydas
Pubblicato: 2011
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