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Karguth, Andreas

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Karguth, Andreas
Automatizzazione, dal 1950
thumbnail of10131009 InspiRat - Structure and Design of the Nature Inspired Climbing Robot RatNic
Autore: Mämpel, J.; Trommer, C.; Karguth, Andreas; Andrada, Emanuel
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of29234009 BioRob - Biologically Inspired Elastic Robot Arm, in: IWK - Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium // Technische Universität Ilmenau; Tagungsband, 53. IWK - Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium
Autore: Karguth, Andreas; Trommer, C.; Klug, Sebastian; Lens, Thomas; Stryk, Oskar von; Möhl, Bernhard
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of29472009 Remote rehabilitation assistance with the compliant robot arm BioRob, in: 56. IWK - Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium
Autore: Schweitzer, M.; Karguth, Andreas; Trommer, C.
Pubblicato: 2011
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