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Workspace Topologies of Industrial 3R Manipulators, in: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

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Autore Ottaviano, Erika; Ceccarelli, Marco; Husty, Manfred
Pubblicato  InTech Open Access Publisher, 2007
Abstract A mathematical analysis is used to characterize workspace topologies of industrial 3R manipulators. A
level-set reconstruction of the workspace is formulated to identify characteristic points with fairly simple algebraic
expressions. Thus, industrial 3R manipulators are classified as functions of workspace kinematic properties.
Examples are illustrated to show practical usefulness of the proposed workspace characterization.
Articoli a Rivista
2000 ed oltre
Superordinate work
no fulltext found International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Autore: Ottaviano, Erika; Ceccarelli, Marco; Husty, Manfred; Yu, Sung-Hoon; Kim, Yong-Tae; Park, Chang-Woo; Hyun, Chang-Ho; Chen, Xiulong; Feng, Weiming; Sun, Xianyang; Gao, Qing; Grigorescu, Sorin M.; Pozna, Claudiu; Liu, Wanli; Zhankui, Wang; Guo, Meng; Fu, Guoyu; Zhang, Jin; Chen, Wenyuan; Peng, Fengchao; Yang, Pei; Chen, Chunlin; Ding, Rui; Yu, Junzhi; Yang, Qinghai; Tan, Min; Polden, Joseph; Pan, [...]
Pubblicato: 2004
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Documents: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
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UCAUniv. Cassino
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Time of publication 2007
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