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Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Gearing and Transmissions: Real-Time and On-Line Lifetime Monitoring System for Automotive Transmissions Application to a Manual Transmission

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Informazioni generali

Autore Foulard, S.; Rinderknecht, Stephan; Ichchou, Mohamed
Pubblicato  Taipei, Taiwan, 2015
2000 ed oltre
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Gearing and Transmissions, in: Proceedings of the 14th IFToMM World Congress
Autore: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Chang, Shinn-Liang; Chen, Yen-Chuan; Liu, Jen-Yu; Han, Jiang; Li, Da-Zhu; Gao, Ting; Xia, Lian; Zhao, Yaping; Huai, Chongfei; Zhang, Yimin; Chen, Xiaohui; Liu, Min; Huang, Kuo-Jao; Chen, Jeng Shiun; Liu, Chia-Chang; Chen, Yi-Cheng; Peng, Yu-Lin; Chen, Yonghong; Chen, Yan; Luo, Wenjun; Zhang, Guanghui; Simon, [...]
Pubblicato: 2015
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Documents: Gearing and Transmissions
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Time of publication 2015
