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Rădulescu, Corneliu (1946 - )

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Romanian Professor
diversa grafia:
Rădulescu, Corneliu
Curriculum vitae  
* 16.01.1946 Bucureşti, Romania nato
1972 Timisoara, Romania Engineer
1972 Timisoara, Romania Mechanical Engineer
1979 Timisoara, Romania Assistent
1981 Timisoara, Romania Lecturer
1987 Timisoara, Romania Ph.D.
1991 Timisoara, Romania Associate Professor
1996 Timisoara, Romania Professor
Automatizzazione, dal 1950
thumbnail of10718009 Movements Coupling of the Orientation Mechanisms, in: Scientific Bulletin of the „Politehnica” University of Timişoara. Transactions on Mechanics, International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (10, 2008, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of10719009 Movements Coupling of the Quasi-Spherical Orientation, in: Scientific Bulletin of the „Politehnica” University of Timişoara. Transactions on Mechanics, International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (10, 2008, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2008
thumbnail of11191009 Asupra preciziei de trasmitere a mişcării de angrenajele evolventice din componenţa sistemelor mecatronice, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (7,1996, Reșița)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Mogan, Gheorghe
Pubblicato: 1996
thumbnail of11077009 Variante de mecanisme spaţiale cu cuple elicoidale, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme si Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (2, 1976, Reşiţa), Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (2, 1976, Reșița) Vol. II
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1976
thumbnail of11653009 Asupra construcţiei şi funcţionării mecanismelor de echilibrare cu acţiune pneumostatică, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (5, 1988, Cluj-Napoca)
Autore: Ioanovici, Francisc; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Luchin, Milenco
Pubblicato: 1988
thumbnail of11880009 Contribuţii privind analiza cinematică poziţională a mecanismelor de orientare sferice, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (6, 1992, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1992
thumbnail of11881009 Interdependenţa cinematică în cazul mecanismelor de orientare din componenţa roboţilor industriali, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (6, 1992, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1992
thumbnail of11885009 Contribuţii privind analiza cinetostatică a dispozitivelor de ghidare a roboţilor industriali, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (6, 1992, Timișoara)
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1992
thumbnail of11886009 Analiza cinetostatică a unei cuple cinematice conducătoare de rotaţie, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (6, 1992, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1992
thumbnail of11888009 Analiza cinetostatică a unei cuple cinematice conducătoare de translaţie, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (6, 1992, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1992
thumbnail of12095009 Analiza structurală şi cinematică a unui variator de mică putere, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Varga, Stefan; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12207009 Cu privire la stadiul actual al construcţiei de roboţi industriali., in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12230009 Codul structural – indicator sintetic al structurii mecanice a unui robot industrial., in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Kovacs, Francisc
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12232009 Mecanisme de orientare în concepţie modulară acţionate de motoare pneumatice liniare., in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Kovacs, Francisc
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12284009 Contribuţii privind variatorul cu bile şi inel elastic, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12291009 Simulator pentru studiul experimental al performanţelor funcţionale ale variatoarelor mecanice coaxiale, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12317009 Modulul de rotaţie al robotului industrial REMT-1, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Gheorghiu, Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Dolga, Valer
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12320009 Aspecte ale comportării dinamice a modulului de orientare din structura roboţilor industriali, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Mădăras, Lucian; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Chiriac, D.
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12321009 Robot industrial pentru schimbarea levatelor, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Dolga, Valer
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12322009 Asupra ecuaţiilor dinamice şi a supleţei robotului industrial de tip cartezian, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Dolga, Valer; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12323009 Principii de calcul al sistemului motor cu motoare pas cu pas şi şuruburi cu bile pentru roboţii industriali, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (3, 1980, Timișoara)
Autore: Dolga, Valer; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of12374009 Manipulator pentru deservirea preselor mici (160-630 KN), in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Mogan, Gheorghe; Achiriloaie, Ioan; Radu, Adrian
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12383009 Consideraţii tehnice privind automatizarea procesului de vopsire a vagoanelor, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme și Transmisii Mecanice. MTM (4, 1984, Timișoara)
Autore: Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Luchin, Milenco; Văcărescu, Valeria
Pubblicato: 1984
thumbnail of12397009 Sinteza unui mecanism planetar complex cu o intrare şi doua ieşiri coaxiale, in: Simpozionul de mecanisme şi organe de maşini. Proiectarea asistată de calculator. PRASIC 1982
Autore: Chişu, Emil; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Marin, Gheorghe; Moldovean, Gheorghe; Achiriloaie, Ioan
Pubblicato: 1982
thumbnail of12461009 The Position Analysis of the Spatial Parallel Mechamsims Actuated by Linear Motors, in: International Symposium on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions. MTM (8, 2000, Timișoara)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2000
thumbnail of15261009 Dispozitiv de reglare în trepte a presiunii : Step Regulating Device of Fluid Pressure
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1979
thumbnail of15536009 Sinteza structurală a mecanismelor sferice cu M=1÷3 N=1÷6 şi n≤n7 prin metoda elementelor, in: Simpozionul de Mecanisme şi Organe de maşini (3, 1986, Braşov)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Kovacs, Francisc; Varga, Stefan
Pubblicato: 1986
thumbnail of20457009 Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: A New Unitary Synthesis Method of Straight Line Generator Mechanisms for Flexible Manufacturing Systems Devices.
Autore: Varga, Stefan; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2007
thumbnail of23270009 Spherical mechanisms for part-orientation with kinematically dependent movements, in: Simpozion PRASIC 2006. Proiectarea asistată de calculator (8, 2006, Brasov)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2006
thumbnail of23461009 Contribuţii privind modelarea cinematică a vehiculelor ghidate automat, in: Simpozionul Naţional Mecanisme, Tribologie, Organe de maşini, Transmisii mecanice, Design de produs (7, 2002, Braşov)
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 2002
thumbnail of25297009 Contribuţii la sinteza structurală şi dimensională optimală a mecanismelor sferice şi cvasi-sferice cu aplicaţii la roboţi industriali : Contributions to the optimal structural and dimensional synthesis of spherical and quasi-spherical mechanisms with applications to industrial robots
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1987
thumbnail of29555009 Protocol. Dispozitiv de orientare 250N RIC 25. Contract 163/80. Faza 1.3/1980
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Perju, Dan; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Gheorghiu, Nicolae; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae
Pubblicato: 1980
thumbnail of29585009 Protocol. Contract 224/1981. Faza_2.3
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Gheorghiu, Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1981
thumbnail of29587009 Protocol. Contract 163/1980. Faza 1.1.2
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Perju, Dan; Grosanu, Iosif; Mădăras, Lucian; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Mesaroş-Anghel, Voicu; Varga, Stefan; Maniu, Inocentiu
Pubblicato: 1981
thumbnail of29590009 Protocol. Contract 372/1979. RITT-1. Faza 4.4
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Perju, Dan; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Rădulescu, Corneliu; Mesaroş-Anghel, Voicu; Diaconu, Aurel
Pubblicato: 1982
thumbnail of29591009 Protocol. Memoriu de prezentare RITT-1
Autore: Rădulescu, Corneliu; Văcărescu, Ioan Nicolae; Diaconu, Aurel; Mădăras, Lucian; Kovacs, Francisc
Pubblicato: 1982
thumbnail of29594009 Protocol. Contract 163/1980. Faza 1.2.1
Autore: Kovacs, Francisc; Perju, Dan; Gligor, Octavian; Balekics, Marcu; Rădulescu, Corneliu
Pubblicato: 1980
Other Works
3D model of the turning flexible cell - manipulator
Turning flexible cell consists from a manipulator, a lathe and a delivery /evacuation station, which is equipped with one palette for each piece and a delivery station of the piece (a Oz translation and a step angle for the rotation γ = 75°). Manipulator takes the raw material from palette and transferring it in lathe gripping device, removes the work piece from the lathe gripping device and deposit it in palette from the delivery station. The manipulator is mounted on the lathe.
3D model of the flexible palletizing cell - Overview 2
Flexible palletizing cell for operating in the food industry served by industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, a delivery station with palletizing products, a checkpoint and a palletizing station.
3D CAD model of the flexible palletizing cell - 1
Flexible palletizing cell for operating in the food industry served by industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, a delivery station with palletizing products, a checkpoint and a palletizing station.
3D model of the flexible palletizing cell - Overview 3
Flexible palletizing cell for operating in the food industry served by industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, a delivery station with palletizing products, a checkpoint and a palletizing station.
3D model of the flexible palletizing cell - Overview 1
Flexible palletizing cell for operating in the food industry served by industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, a delivery station with palletizing products, a checkpoint and a palletizing station.
3D CAD model of the flexible palletizing cell - 2
Flexible palletizing cell for operating in the food industry served by industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, a delivery station with palletizing products, a checkpoint and a palletizing station.
Celulă flexibilă de frezare servită de robotul industrial REMT-1
Flexible milling cell consists of a machine milling with a vertical head, an industrial robot REMT-1 a device mounted on the milling machine table, and the delivery /evacuation stations.
CAD model of the industrial robot REMT-1
CAD model of the industrial robot REMT-1 used in a flexible milling cell.
Flexible cell for plastic injection - upper view
Flexible cell for plastic injection composed of a plastic injection machine, an industrial robot and a storage station for the injected products.
Flexible cell for plastic injection
Flexible cell for plastic injection composed of a plastic injection machine, an industrial robot and a storage station for the injected products.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs - lateral view
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs - upper view
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs - pressing detail
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs - frontal view
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs - frontal detail
Flexible cell of cold pressing of reinforcing ribs is served by an industrial robot equipped with a specific gripping device, having in composition a raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of finished parts.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of metallic parts
Flexible cell of cold pressing of metallic parts is served by an industrial robot equipped with a vacuum gripping device, raw material delivery station, a press for cold pressing and an evacuation station of the pressed parts.
Welding flexible cell served by an industrial robot - Overview
Welding flexible cell composed of an industrial robot, positioning table, a working device mounted on positioning table, a control panel for remote robot, human operator screens and supply station / exhaust.
Welding flexible cell served by an industrial robot - upper view
Welding flexible cell composed of an industrial robot, positioning table, a working device mounted on positioning table, a control panel for remote robot, human operator screens and supply station / exhaust.
Flexible cell for mounted the sniper an automobile
Flexible cell for mounted the sniper an automobile by adhesive bonding, served by an industrial robot, a supply station with sniper, an adhesive application station on the sniper and workstation in which is apply sniper on the car body.
Flexible cell of cold pressing of metallic parts
Flexible cell for burrs milling, served by an industrial robot equipped with a milling head and a table equipped with work devices for fixation the milling piece, a supply station with raw material and a containerization station for the milled pieces.
3D model of the flexible cell of cold pressing of metallic parts
Flexible cell for burrs milling, served by an industrial robot equipped with a milling head and a table equipped with work devices for fixation the milling piece, a supply station with raw material and a containerization station for the milled pieces.
Photo Cornel Radulescu
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