Terminology for the theory of machines and mechanisms ; fifth draft 1983, in: Mechanism and machine theory : tmm
Autor: Bögelsack, Gerhard; Gierse, Franz Josef; Oravský, V.; Prentis, James Martin; Rossi, Aldo
Publicat: 1983
Terminology for the theory of machines and mechanisms ; fourth draft 1982
Autor: Bögelsack, Gerhard; Gierse, Franz Josef; Oravský, V.; Prentis, James Martin; Rossi, Aldo
Publicat: 1982
Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: Real-time estimation of the telescopic handler center of mass.
Autor: Rosati, Giulio; Biondi, A.; Boschetti, G.; Rossi, Aldo
Publicat: 2007
Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: Trajectory planning of a two-link rehabilitation robot arm.
Autor: Rosati, Giulio; Volpe, Giorgio; Biondi, A.; Boschetti, G.; Rossi, Aldo
Publicat: 2007
La partecipazione del gruppo di Meccanica Applicata all'IFToMM, in: Atti II Seminario di Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine
Autor: Rossi, Aldo
Publicat: 1994