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Análisis de los componentes del Error de Discretización del MEF en Problemas Estructurales No Lineales

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General information

Author Pinto Cámara, Charles
Published  Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 2001
Abstract Análisis de los componentes del Error de Discretización del MEF en Problemas Estructurales No Lineales.
"Análisis de los componentes del Error de Discretización del MEF en Problemas Estructurales No Lineales". Tesis doctoral desarrollada por Charles Pinto Cámara en la Universidad del País Vasco (EHU-UPV), Bilbao (España). Defendida en el año 2001.
Scientific publications
2000 and later
Discrete results
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Spatial smoothing
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Spatial error
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Temporal smoothing
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Temporal error
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Global smoothing
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Global error
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Estimators use
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Modified Newton-Raphson method
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Resolution flowchart
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Adaptative strategy
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Discontinuity of nodal solution
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SPR method for different elements
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Polynomial aproximation
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Alfa beta apromixation
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Spline interpolation
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MEF values
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Nodal values
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Interpolation functions
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Patch smoothing
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Special case of smoothing
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Local aproximation
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Ajusted solutions
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Error between method
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Relative error
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Linked items
Images: Resolution flowchart
Permanent links
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Europeana FaviconEuropeana
Data provider
UBCUniv. Basque C.
Administrative information
Time of publication 2001

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