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Computational Kinematics, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science

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Autor IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Moreno Avalos, Hector Alonso; Pamanes Garcia, Jose Alfonso; Sholanov, Korganbay; Dumur, Didier; Lara Molina, Fabian Andres; Rosario, João Maurício; Carricato, Marco; Merlet, Jean-Pierre; Bi, Z.; Gibson, R.; Higgins, C.; Jin, Yan; McClory, C.; McToal, P.; Morgan, M.; Loe, Chan-Yu; Lee, Chung-Ching; He, Baoxiang; Xue, Changyu; Zhang, Jiantao; Shen, Hui-Ping; Yang, Ting-Li; Liu, Yuanwei; Wohlhart, Karl; Svigler, Jaromír; McPhee, John; Uchida, Thomas; Al-Smadi, Yahia; Bhargava, A.; Mahgoub, M.; Mutawe, S.; Sodhi, R. S.; Veg, Alexander; Andrejevic, R.; Sinikovic, Goran; Veg, E.; Culpepper, M. L.; Dai, Jian Sheng; Hopkins, J. B.; Yu, Jingjun; Kong, Xianwen; Müller, Andreas; Piipponen, Samuli; Rico Martinez, José Maria; Zlatanov, Dimiter; Hayes, M. John D.; Rusu, Stefan Radacina; Gosselin, Clément; Husty, Manfred; Tale-Masouleh, Mehdi; Walter, Dominic; Altuzarra Maestre, Oscar; Hernández Frías, Alfonso; Petuya Arcocha, Victor; Urizar, Monica; Ananthasuresh, G. K.; Banerjee, S.; Ghosal, Ashitava; Menon, Midhun Sreekumar; Chung, Chunhui; Huang, Chintien; Glogoveanu, M.; Konya, B.; Lese, Dorin; Pîsla, Doina; Plitea, Nicolae; Vaida, Calin; ...
Erschienen  2011
ab 2000
Übergeordnete Werke
no fulltext found Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science ; Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato City, México, June 19 - 23, 2011
Autor: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Chen, Hsin-Cheng; Lee, Hong-Wen; Tsai, Ming-June; Chio, Nayibe; Gonzalez Acuña, Hernan; Sanabria, Henry; Popescu, Paul; Popescu, Marcela; Baldisserri, Benedetta; Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo; Danieli, Guido; Giuzio, Francesco; Inchingolo, Francesco; Donnici, Mario; Marrelli, Massimo; Perrelli, Michele; Nudo, Paola; [...]
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22675009 A Geometric Approach to the Characterization of Form Closure for Planar Joint, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Dawari, Avinash; Sen, Dibakar
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22674009 A New Modeling Tool for Analysis of the Grouped Thrust System of Shield Machines, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Deng, Y.C.; Gao, Feng; Guo, Weizhong
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22652009 A Novel PKM-Based Vibrating Sifter and Its Screening Efficiency Experimental Study, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: He, Baoxiang; Xue, Changyu; Zhang, Jiantao; Shen, Hui-Ping; Yang, Ting-Li; Liu, Yuanwei
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22655009 A Treatise on the Theory of Higher Kinematic Pair, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Svigler, Jaromír
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22631009 Analysis of mechanism structure using zero transformation parameters, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Sholanov, Korganbay
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22658009 Computer Aided Balancing (CAB) Applied on an Orbiting Mechanism, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Veg, Alexander; Andrejevic, R.; Sinikovic, Goran; Veg, E.
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22656009 Efficient Solution of Kinematics for Multi-loop Mechanisms using Gröbner Bases, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: McPhee, John; Uchida, Thomas
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22665009 Forward Kinematics of the Symmetric 5-DOF Parallel Mechanisms (3R2T) Using the Linear Implicitization Algorithm, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Gosselin, Clément; Husty, Manfred; Tale-Masouleh, Mehdi; Walter, Dominic
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22653009 Intersection of Vector Spaces ; The Shuffle Formula, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Wohlhart, Karl
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22635009 Inverse Geometrico-Static Problem of Under-Constrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Three Cables, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Carricato, Marco; Merlet, Jean-Pierre
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22625009 Isotropic Design of a 2 dof Parallel Kinematic Machine with a Translational Workpiece Table, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Moreno Avalos, Hector Alonso; Pamanes Garcia, Jose Alfonso
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22644009 Kinematic Analysis of a New Over-constraint Parallel Kinematic Machine, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Bi, Z.; Gibson, R.; Higgins, C.; Jin, Yan; McClory, C.; McToal, P.; Morgan, M.
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22671009 Kinematic Analysis of the TSAI-3UPU Parallel Manipulator using Algebraic Methods, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Husty, Manfred; Walter, Dominic
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22676009 Kinematic Registration Using Contact Sensing, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Ravani, Bahram; Nederbragt, Walter Willem
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22669009 Kinematics of New Parallel Structures with 3 and 4 DOF Using New Planar Parallel Modules, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Glogoveanu, M.; Konya, B.; Lese, Dorin; Pîsla, Doina; Plitea, Nicolae; Vaida, Calin; Vidrean, Anneline
Erschienen: 2011
no fulltext found Kineto-static Analysis of a Spatial Closed-loop Mechanism Composed of Elastic Thin Strips, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Iwatsuki, Nobuyuki
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22677009 Mechanical Design and Kinematics Simulation for a Power Wheelchair with Self-actuated Seating Functions, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Guo, Yan-Ping; Ren, Yi; Wang, Fang; Xue, Qiang; Zhang, Jianguo
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22651009 Mobility Constraints and Configurations of 3- and 5-bar AKC Mechanisms, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Loe, Chan-Yu; Lee, Chung-Ching
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22633009 Multi-objective Optimization of Parallel Manipulator Using Global Indices, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Dumur, Didier; Lara Molina, Fabian Andres; Rosario, João Maurício
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22670009 Multi-Objective Scale Independent Optimization of 3-RPR Parallel Mechanisms, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Gosselin, Clément; Saadatzi, Mohammad Hossein; Taghirad, Hamid D.; Tale-Masouleh, Mehdi; Teshnehlab, Mohammad
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22666009 On the Cuspidality of the Analytic 3-RPR, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Altuzarra Maestre, Oscar; Hernández Frías, Alfonso; Petuya Arcocha, Victor; Urizar, Monica
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22668009 On the Rotation Curves of Stephenson III Six-Bar Linkage, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Chung, Chunhui; Huang, Chintien
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22661009 Persistent Screw Systems of Dimension Three, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Carricato, Marco; Rico Martinez, José Maria
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22664009 Quadric Surface Fitting Applications to Approximate Dimensional Synthesis, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Hayes, M. John D.; Rusu, Stefan Radacina
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22673009 Sensitivity Analysis of Parallel Manipulators Using a Fixed Point Interval Iteration Method, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Caro, Stéphane; Goldsztejn, Alexandre; Tannous, Mikhael
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22662009 Serial Kinematic Chains with Unilateral External Force Constraints, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Zlatanov, Dimiter
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22667009 Simulation of Length-Preserving Motions of Flexible One Dimensional Objects using Optimization, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Ananthasuresh, G. K.; Banerjee, S.; Ghosal, Ashitava; Menon, Midhun Sreekumar
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22657009 Synthesis of Five-bar Motion Generation with Gear Fabrication Tolerances, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Al-Smadi, Yahia; Bhargava, A.; Mahgoub, M.; Mutawe, S.; Sodhi, R. S.
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22660009 The Geometric vs Algebraic Definition of Mobility, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Müller, Andreas; Piipponen, Samuli
Erschienen: 2011
thumbnail of22659009 The Reciprocity of a Pair of Line Spaces, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Computational Kinematics
Autor: Culpepper, M. L.; Dai, Jian Sheng; Hopkins, J. B.; Yu, Jingjun; Kong, Xianwen
Erschienen: 2011
Verknüpfte Datensätze
Dokumente: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
Isotropic Design of a 2 dof Parallel Kinematic Machine with a Translational Workpiece Table
Analysis of mechanism structure using zero transformation parameters
Multi-objective Optimization of Parallel Manipulator Using Global Indices
Inverse Geometrico-Static Problem of Under-Constrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Three Cables
Kinematic Analysis of a New Over-constraint Parallel Kinematic Machine
Mobility Constraints and Configurations of 3- and 5-bar AKC Mechanisms
A Novel PKM-Based Vibrating Sifter and Its Screening Efficiency Experimental Study
Intersection of Vector Spaces
A Treatise on the Theory of Higher Kinematic Pair
Efficient Solution of Kinematics for Multi-loop Mechanisms using Gröbner Bases
Synthesis of Five-bar Motion Generation with Gear Fabrication Tolerances
Computer Aided Balancing (CAB) Applied on an Orbiting Mechanism
The Reciprocity of a Pair of Line Spaces
The Geometric vs Algebraic Definition of Mobility
Persistent Screw Systems of Dimension Three
Serial Kinematic Chains with Unilateral External Force Constraints
Quadric Surface Fitting Applications to Approximate Dimensional Synthesis
Forward Kinematics of the Symmetric 5-DOF Parallel Mechanisms (3R2T) Using the Linear Implicitization Algorithm
On the Cuspidality of the Analytic 3-RPR
Simulation of Length-Preserving Motions of Flexible One Dimensional Objects using Optimization
On the Rotation Curves of Stephenson III Six-Bar Linkage
Kinematics of New Parallel Structures with 3 and 4 DOF Using New Planar Parallel Modules
Multi-Objective Scale Independent Optimization of 3-RPR Parallel Mechanisms
Kinematic Analysis of the TSAI-3UPU Parallel Manipulator using Algebraic Methods
Kineto-static Analysis of a Spatial Closed-loop Mechanism Composed of Elastic Thin Strips
Sensitivity Analysis of Parallel Manipulators Using a Fixed Point Interval Iteration Method
A New Modeling Tool for Analysis of the Grouped Thrust System of Shield Machines
A Geometric Approach to the Characterization of Form Closure for Planar Joint
Kinematic Registration Using Contact Sensing
Mechanical Design and Kinematics Simulation for a Power Wheelchair with Self-actuated Seating Functions
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Publikationsdatum 2011
